Literary Reference Source
Literary Reference Center provides you with a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across time and literary discipline.
Literary Reference Center provides you with a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across time and literary discipline.
Tailored for younger readers, NoveList K-8 Plus offers a variety of resources such as book recommendations, reading lists, and reading levels to help children and teens find engaging books suited to their age and interests.
NoveList Plus helps readers discover fiction and non-fiction books that match their interests or mood by providing detailed book and author information, recommendations, reviews, and curated reading lists.
With OhioLink, you can gain access to 50 million books and library materials from 89 Ohio college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio. Search OhioLink for books, periodicals, electronic resources and other items in OhioLINK member libraries.
SearchOhio is a consortium of public libraries in the state of Ohio that provides borrowing access to millions of library materials. Patrons can request an item from another Ohio public library in the consortium and pick it up at your home library.
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