A-Z Resources


ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries Library Card Required.

With more than 4,000 interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and other learning activities, ABCmouse's award-winning online curriculum is the most comprehensive online educational resource for young learners (ages 2-7+).

ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries includes unlimited access to the same full version of ABCmouse Early Learning Academy. It can be shared by several children in the same household, each with their own avatar, profile, and progress-tracking Learning Path. 

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ABCmouse In-Library Use

With more than 4,000 interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and other learning activities, ABCmouse.com’s award-winning online curriculum is the most comprehensive online educational resource for young learners (ages 2–7+). From Age of Learning, Inc. Free for use in our library.

The in-library use version allows access to ABCmouse more quickly without signing in with your ABCmouse account when in the library. 

Found In: Available for in-library use only

Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) Library Card Required.

Designed specifically for academic institutions, Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary full-text database containing full text for more than 3,100 journals, including nearly 2,700 peer-reviewed titles. This scholarly collection offers information in almost every area of academic study including computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.

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African American Heritage Library Card Required.

African American Heritage is a digital resource devoted to African-American family history research. This collection was created in partnership with leading African-American genealogists and recognized leaders in genealogical information to develop a comprehensive mix of resources, records, and tools specifically about African-American genealogy.

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America’s News Library Card Required.

America's News consolidates current and archived information from thousands of national newspaper titles and newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, broadcast transcripts, business journals, periodicals, government documents, and other publications. It also includes digital access to the Springfield News-Sun.

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Ancestry Library Edition

Trace your genealogy using historical records. U. S. Census records; military records; court, land, and probate records; vital and church records; directories; petitions for naturalization; passenger lists and more. You must be in the library to access this database.

Found In: Available for in-library use only

ASL Inside, with Mango Languages Library Card Required.

ASL Inside has partnered with Mango Languages to bring American Sign Language to Mango's premier language learning platform! Similar to other courses found in Mango, ASL Inside teaches intuitive language construction through a conversation-based methodology that reinforces grammar, vocabulary, culture, and pronunciation. ASL Inside utilizes a "Magic Mirror" feature, which uses your webcam to enable instant visual comparison for accurate sign modeling through practical lessons that enable patrons to carry on basic ASL conversations.

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Biography Reference Bank Library Card Required.

Biographies, obituaries, and photographs of thousands of individuals – both living and deceased. This database provides the full text of the articles, page images, and abstracts (including biographical profiles, feature articles, interviews, essays, book reviews, performance reviews, speeches, or obituaries) from today's leading magazines and journals.

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Business Source Premier Library Card Required.

Business Source Premier offers information from business publications as well as tens of thousands of company profiles. It contains news and journal articles on marketing, management, accounting, and more. Also included are company profiles, industry and marketing reports, and company financial data.

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Candid Library Card Required.

Candid is a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits serve their communities. Our patrons can access Candid's premiere nonprofit databases to research local nonprofit organizations, connect with grantmakers or foundations to secure funding, and discover new partners for collaboration through our library link.

Clark County Public Library offers free public access to Candid’s key tools including:

Candid Learning - Access all of Candid’s live and on-demand trainings, webinars, and other resources designed to improve your fundraising, overall sustainability, grantmaking, and transparency.

Foundation Directory - Make fundraising quick and efficient with the Foundation Directory. Candid's premier fundraising tool gives grant-seekers unprecedented access to the largest amount of clean and coded philanthropic data that currently exists.

Grants to Individuals - Get detailed information on more than 10,000 foundations that give grants or scholarships to individuals.

GuideStar - Search over 2 million nonprofits through GuideStar's intuitive database. Target organizations that matter to you based on geography, organizational structure or staff size, or their financial metrics.

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Chilton’s Auto Repair Manuals Library Card Required.

The Chilton Auto Repair Manual Library represents the most authoritative automotive repair information available to car owners. There are thousands of year, make, and model combinations covering the most popular vehicles of the past 30 years, plus additional coverage of specialty models. Chilton's gives you the confidence to service or repair virtually any system on your vehicle.

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Clark County Public Library Digital Archives

Explore Clark County, Ohio history. Each collections includes a wide range of ephemera collected by the Library over the years. These resources are works-in-progress, so be sure to revisit the site periodically for new collections and entries. 

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Consumer Health Complete Library Card Required.

Consumer Health Complete can help you better understand key topics across the health and wellness spectrum — from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. It contains information from journals and magazines with complete articles on thousands of health topics, full-text evidence-based health reports, up-to-date health reference books, animations with audio narration, as well as consumer health pamphlets and leaflets from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and others.

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Craftsy Library Card Required.

Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers from basic instruction to advanced techniques for fabric and yarn crafts, baking, drawing, and much more. Check out a 7-day pass from the Extras section in Libby for full, unlimited access to Craftsy. 

Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) device. Or, visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.

In Libby, select Clark County Public Library from the list under Choose A Location and sign in with a valid library card. Scroll down and select the Extras section on your library's home screen. Select Craftsy.

Select Get a 7-Day Pass and then Continue to the Craftsy website. Continue and enjoy unlimited access to Craftsy for the next 7 days. 

After you borrow an extra resource from Libby, it'll appear on your Libby Shelf so you can easily get back to it during your access period. When your 7-day pass expires, you can get another access pass through Libby. 

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CultureGrams Library Card Required.

CultureGrams is the leading primary source reference for concise, reliable, and up-to-date cultural information on the countries of the world. It goes beyond mere facts and figures to deliver an insider's perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people. It includes four editions: the Kids, U.S. States, and Canadian Provinces editions for upper elementary school students; and the World Edition for junior high school students and up.

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From the Public Library Association, DigitalLearn is an online hub for digital literacy support and training. It is a collection of self-directed tutorials in English and Spanish to increase digital literacy. The site also includes over 80 ready-to-use templates to teach computer and digital skills classes

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Driving-Tests.org: Free BMV Permit Practice Tests

Driving-Tests.org, a company dedicated to driver safety and education, offers free Ohio BMV practice tests to CCPL patrons. The site includes 10 car practice tests, 6 motorcycle practice tests, 3 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice tests, 3 online driver’s handbooks (car, motorcycle, CDL) & a FAQ section with detailed answers to BMV-related questions.

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EBSCOhost Library Card Required.

EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of proprietary full-text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate, and school libraries.

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Explora Public Libraries Library Card Required.

Explora for Public Libraries provides easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world's leading magazines and reference books, grouped into easy-to-browse categories. Explora provides research collections on thousands of topics to help them find the information they need quickly and easily. You can search hundreds of professional journals, popular magazines, reference books, images, primary sources, and more by keyword or by topic.

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Fire Insurance Maps Online (FIMo) Library Card Required.

Fire Insurance Maps online (FIMo) is a research portal to find and view high-definition, color Fire Insurance Maps, Real Estate Atlases, Plat Books, and other historical maps showing building structures, building construction details, property ownership, property uses, and other useful information. The high definition, color and gray-scale images display important historical details not visible on black and white map scans. Only Ohio maps are available.

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Fold3 Library Edition Library Card Required.

Fold3 Library Edition is the premier collection of historical military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served from the Revolutionary War through recent conflicts. It contains millions of records from world-class archives, many of which are exclusively available on Fold3 Library Edition.

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Freegal Music Library Card Required.

Freegal Music is a free music service provided by your library. Freegal offers access to about 15 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists, and over 40,000 music videos. In total, the collection is comprised of music from over 40,000 labels with music that originates in over 100 countries. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions.

With your library card, you can stream Freegal Music up to three hours per day and download three songs per week.

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Gale Legal Forms Library Card Required.

Provides a wide selection of Ohio-specific (and multi-state) legal forms. Includes real estate contracts, wills, premarital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant and many others. Also included is a comprehensive attorney state directory and a dictionary of legal definitions.

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Grants to Individuals, by Candid Library Card Required.

Grants to Individuals provides grantseekers access to over 10,000 profiles of funders that award scholarships, fellowships, grants, and a wide range of financial support to individuals. This database has been consolidated into the Foundation Directory. NOTE: this is not for entrepreneurs/startup companies.

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Great Courses Library Collection, The Library Card Required.

The Great Courses offers engaging and understandable lectures by esteemed professors, professionals, and experts in topics ranging from history, better living, science, language learning, and much more.

Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) device. Or, visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.

In Libby, select Clark County Public Library from the list under Choose A Location and sign in with a valid library card. Scroll down and select the Extras section on your library's home screen. Select The Great Courses Library Collection.

Select Get a 7-Day Pass and then Continue to the The Great Courses Library Collection website. Enjoy unlimited access to The Great Courses for the next 7 days. 

After you borrow an extra resource from Libby, it'll appear on your Libby Shelf so you can easily get back to it during your access period. When your 7-day pass expires, you can get another access pass through Libby. 

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GuideStar, by Candid Library Card Required.

GuideStar is the most comprehensive source of nonprofit information where users can search over 2 million nonprofit profiles. Community members can easily find local nonprofits where they can donate, work, or volunteer and connect those in need to resources they rely on, such as food banks or shelters.

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HeritageHub Library Card Required.

Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.

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HeritageQuest Online Library Card Required.

HeritageQuest® Online is a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids.

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Hobbies & Crafts Reference Source Library Card Required.

Hobbies and Craft Reference Source offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.

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Home Improvement Source Library Card Required.

Home Improvement Source is a hub for "how-to" information on various do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects. This database features articles and images of step-by-step instructions for thousands of projects in remodeling, plumbing, gardening, woodworking, electrical, and decorating from leading home improvement magazines and reference books.

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Hoopla Digital Library Card Required.

Hoopla Digital, an online digital media service, gives library card holders access to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, eBooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet or smartphone.  With no waiting, you can stream titles instantly through your desktop browser or the Hoopla mobile app.  If you use the app, you can also download titles to your device for offline playback later, where WiFi may be unavailable.

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IndieFlix Library Card Required.

IndieFlix is a streaming movie service that offers access to pop culture favorites, box office hits, award-winning feature films, documentaries, and shorts. Check out a 7-day pass from the Extras section in Libby for full, unlimited access to IndieFlix. 

Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) device. Or, visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.

In Libby, select Clark County Public Library from the list under Choose A Location and sign in with a valid library card. Scroll down and select the Extras section on your library's home screen. Select IndieFlix.

Select Get a 7-Day Pass and then Continue to the IndieFlix website. Provide an email address and create a password for your personal IndieFlix account. Continue and enjoy unlimited access to IndieFlix for the next 7 days. 

After you borrow an extra resource from Libby, it'll appear on your Libby Shelf so you can easily get back to it during your access period. When your 7-day pass expires, you can get another access pass through Libby. 

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Job & Career Accelerator (LearningExpress Library) Library Card Required.

The LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator™ provides personalized, step-by-step job search assistance for all levels of job seekers. Job seekers can explore suitable occupations from over 1,000 detailed occupation profiles and find available jobs in their area from a database of over 5 million up-to-date job postings.

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Kanopy Library Card Required.

Kanopy has over 30,000 documentaries, classic and indie films available to Clark County Public Library cardholders and also a special section just for kids films – Kanopy Kids. Kanopy is a stream only service. You will need an internet connection in order to play the films. Kanopy films can be streamed on computers (Windows or Mac), tablets and smartphones with the Kanopy app, and also on additional streaming streaming platforms such as Roku, Apple TV and Chromecast.

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Kanopy Kids Library Card Required.

Kanopy Kids features a collection of films and TV series that inspire and inform, helping children develop social-emotional skills and reinforcing valuable learning topics, such as history, science, and new languages. Kanopy Kids has a diverse selection of educational and entertaining content that ranges across Movies, TV Series, Animated Storybooks, Live Action, and Animated favorites.

Kanopy Kids is appropriate for children ages 2 and up, with a focus on Kids age 2-8. Parents can also choose to implement parental controls to enable them to stay within the dedicated Kanopy Kids area for age-appropriate content.

Play credits are not required to play in Kanopy Kids. Enjoy unlimited plays in our curated collection for kids.

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LearningExpress Library Library Card Required.

LearningExpress Library features nearly 1,000 online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks to help patrons of all ages. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science, career certification and license exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, GED test prep, and more.

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Literary Reference Source Library Card Required.

Literary Reference Source is a comprehensive database that provides users with a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. This database has been specifically designed for public libraries, secondary schools, junior/community colleges, and undergraduate research.

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Mango Languages Library Card Required.

Mango Languages offers over 70 foreign language courses, American Sign Language, and 20 ELS courses, taught in the user’s native language.. Learn vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and culture through everyday conversational dialogue. In addition to world languages, Mango offers specialty courses for endangered Indigenous languages, holiday-themed mini-courses, and novelty languages like Pirate! Mango can be accessed in the Library, at home, or on the Mango App with your library card.

Mango Languages is supported by Apple, Android, and Kindle Fire tablets.

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Morningstar Investing Center New! Library Card Required.

Morningstar Investing Center is a tool designed specifically for libraries to provide independent market analysis, industry information, stock charts, portfolio-building tools, and investment education. With its user-friendly interface and in-depth analysis capabilities, Morningstar can give valuable insights into various investment opportunities, helping users build and manage their investment portfolios effectively.

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Newspaper Source Library Card Required.

This database provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts from major networks.

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Nonprofit Explorer, by ProPublica

Browse millions of annual returns filed by tax-exempt organizations with ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer. See details like executive compensation, revenue, expenses, and more. Search for an organization or a person, or search the full text of filings.

Recent updates make it possible to search for organizations that have reported significant theft or have been flagged for serious financial issues, including the failure to follow legal or contract regulations, deficiencies in internal or governance controls, and instances where expenses have outstripped revenue.

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Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy is a self-directed assessment and learning tool that covers a variety of technology topics to improve user's digital literacy. It comes complete with short lessons and practice exercises to improve skills on a number of common computer topics: 

  • Essential Computer Skills - Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows OS, Mac OS
  • Essential Software Skills – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs
  • Using Technology in Daily Life - Social Media, Information Literacy, Career Search Skills, Supporting K-12 Distance Learning, Your Digital Footprint.

Northstar is funded through a federal Institute of Museum and Library Services ARPA grant awarded by the State Library of Ohio.

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NoveList K-8 Plus Library Card Required.

Tailored for younger readers, NoveList K-8 Plus offers a variety of resources such as book recommendations, reading lists, and reading levels to help children and teens find engaging books suited to their age and interests.

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NoveList Plus Library Card Required.

NoveList Plus is a trusted source of expert read-alike recommendations, available through libraries around the world. You can search NoveList by author, title, series, keyword, subject, or genre and find detailed title information, similar titles and authors and so much more.

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Ohio Digital Library Library Card Required.

The Ohio Digital Library is a digital consortium of 179 Ohio libraries, that share eBooks, digital audiobooks, and periodicals. This service is compatible with computers and mobile devices, including iOS, Android, Chromebooks, Kindle Fire, and laptop/desktop computers. You can browse the Ohio Digital Library's digital collection on your computer or download the Libby App. All titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. 

Need help? Visit the Help site, opens a new window.

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Ohio Legal Help

An interactive self-help tool for Ohio residents to understand their legal options, make informed decisions, and connect to legal and community resources. 

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Ohio Obituary Index

An index to over 3,500,000 obituaries, death & marriage notices & other sources from Ohio from the 1810s to the present day. Actual obits may be ordered from over 60 partner libraries; only Hayes Library has online ordering.

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Ohio Supreme Court

The Supreme Court hears appeals from Courts of Appeals and other state agencies. The website also has standardized forms for various legal matters that can be modified under local court rules of procedure. 

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OhioLINK Library Card Required.

With OhioLink, you can gain access to 50 million books and library materials from 89 Ohio college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio. Search OhioLink for books, periodicals, electronic resources and other items in OhioLINK member libraries. 

OverDrive: Kids Reading Room Library Card Required.

This collection is designed for kids 12 and younger with special tools for parents to search by reading level and interest level. All titles are also available in the main collection. 

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Oxford Reference Online Library Card Required.

Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions, and Encyclopedias.

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Oxford Research Encyclopedias

The Oxford Research Encyclopedias offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Every month, new topics are added and current essays are updated, ensuring you have the most up-to-date content at your fingertips.


Points of View Reference Source Library Card Required.

Points of View Reference Source is a full-text database designed to provide students and schools with controversial essays presenting multiple sides of a current issue. Essays provide questions and materials for further thought and study and are accompanied by thousands of supporting articles from the world’s top leading political magazines from both sides of the aisle, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, primary source documents, and reference books.

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Qello Concerts Library Card Required.

Qello Concerts by Stingray is the world’s largest collection of full-length concerts and music documentaries streamed on-demand to just about any digital device. Check out a 7-day pass from the Extras section in Libby for full, unlimited access to Qello Concerts. 

Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) device. Or, visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.

In Libby, select Clark County Public Library from the list under Choose A Location and sign in with a valid library card. Scroll down and select the Extras section on your library's home screen. Select Qello Concerts.

Select Get a 7-Day Pass and then Continue to the Qello Concerts website. Enjoy unlimited access to Qello for the next 7 days. 

After you borrow an extra resource from Libby, it'll appear on your Libby Shelf so you can easily get back to it during your access period. When your 7-day pass expires, you can get another access pass through Libby. 

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Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Library Card Required.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps provides access to over 40,000 large-scale maps for towns and cities in Ohio drawn between 1882-1962, which can be used to estimate potential risk to urban structures. These maps are also a source of historical and genealogical information.

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SearchOhio Library Card Required.

SearchOhio is a consortium of public libraries in the state of Ohio that provides borrowing access to millions of library materials. Patrons can request an item from another Ohio public library in the consortium and pick it up at your home library.

Small Business Source Library Card Required.

The Small Business Source provides up-to-date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management, and sales to growing or rescuing a business. The user-friendly interface guides through small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding.

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Springfield News-Sun Library Card Required.

Explore Springfield history through local news, events and people with Springfield News-Sun Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

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Stingray Classica Library Card Required.

Watch beautiful classical music, operas, and ballets from around the world, anywhere, anytime. 

Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) device. Or, visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.

In Libby, select Clark County Public Library from the list under Choose A Location and sign in with a valid library card. Scroll down and select the Extras section on your library's home screen. Select Stingray Classica.

Select Get a 7-Day Pass and then Continue to Stingray Classica website. Enjoy unlimited access to Stingray Classica for the next 7 days. 

After you borrow an extra resource from Libby, it'll appear on your Libby Shelf so you can easily get back to it during your access period. When your 7-day pass expires, you can get another access pass through Libby. 

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TumbleBookLibrary Library Card Required.

TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of e-books for children. There are over 250 animated, talking picture books. The site also features Spanish and French books, read-along chapter books, non-fiction books, and exciting games and puzzles. It's unlimited, and it's FREE for you to use from home. You can use your computer, tablet or mobile phone. All you need is an internet connection. There are no downloads: books are streamed right to your device at the click of a button. 

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Value Line Research Center Library Card Required.

The Value Line Research Center is a financial analysis tool that provides investors with detailed information and research on stocks, mutual funds, options, and other investment opportunities. Offering comprehensive reports, rankings, and forecasts, Value Line Research Center is a helpful resource for investors looking to research and track market trends, identify potential investment opportunities, and manage their portfolios effectively.

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Weiss Financial Ratings Library Card Required.

Weiss Financial Ratings is a simple-to-use financial analysis platform designed to help consumers make informed decisions by offering transparent, independent ratings and financial planning tools. Weiss offers insights into the financial health and stability of multiple investment vehicles such as stocks, mutual funds, financial institutions, and insurance companies. Plus, patrons also have the option to build a stock market watchlist, get upgrade/downgrade notifications on specific targets, and customize their homepage to information that is the most relevant to them.

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World Book Early World of Learning Library Card Required.

The perfect tool for pre-and emergent readers to explore independently or learn with an adult. Developed with experts on early childhood education, Early Learning is designed for preschool students with tools and content that reinforce early childhood curriculum via short videos, read-aloud stories, printable activities, and matching and tracing games, among others. The guided reading program, lesson plans, and curriculum correlations make teaching easier for educators and parents.

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WorldBook – La Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos Library Card Required.

La Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos está organizada de modo que los estudiantes puedan encontrar información rápida y fácilmente.

World Book's Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is the optimal beginner's Spanish-language reference tool. Key features include search and browse options, dozens of hands-on activities to engage different learning styles, the popular World of Animals feature, and bilingual features including a visual dictionary to help young learners clarify word meanings and grasp complex visual topics in Spanish and English.

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WorldBook Kids Library Card Required.

Explore the World Book Encyclopedia, the kid-friendly way! An ideal learning resource for elementary-aged students designed to build confidence and encourage creativity with image-driven navigation and inquiry-based activities. The site features easy-to-read articles that can be read aloud or translated and a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.

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