Community Engagement

To learn more about the Innovation Space, email us at or call (937) 328-0204.

Read our Community Narrative here.
What is Community Engagement?
“The process of working collaboratively with community members — be they library customers, residents, faculty, students or partner organizations — to address issues for the betterment of the community.” (American Library Association)
In short, Clark County Public Library wants to engage Springfield & Clark County by:



How does the library engage with the community?
The CCPL Community Engagement Team uses the "Turning Outward" approach, developed by the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation:

Turn Outward
We start by putting the community at the heart of what we do, and focus on people's hopes for their community.
Go Into the Community
Using tools such as Community Gardens and Community Conversations, we listen as people share their hopes, concerns, and ideas for action moving forward. We take this information and summarize it into a Community Narrative.
Share What You Learn
We share this Community Narrative with individuals & organizations that people said they could trust. We gather these individuals & organizations together in meetings called Innovation Spaces, to focus on what we're learning from the Community Narrative.
Take Action
Based on the Community Narrative; and the community's stage of life, the library and our trusted partners form a Community Engagement Plan, and share it with the community. The goal is to start with small, purposeful actions that not only help to address issues, but also build trust and connection.
What is the library’s end goal?
CCPL connects people to information every day, and we want to continue to embrace and strengthen our role as a connector in the larger community. With a commitment to building trust and connection, we aim to become a "boundary spanning organization" that empowers the community to take action.
How can I learn more?
Libraries Transforming Communities
Contact Us
Sarah Webb
Community Engagement Manager